Frequently Asked Questions

How can I place an order?
To place an order, simply browse our website, select the items you wish to purchase, add them to your cart, and proceed to checkout
Are the products on your website genuine and of good quality?
Yes, all the products available on our website are personally designed by Kate McEnroe, and they are handcrafted and made to order using trusted manufacturers in the USA, Canada, and Hong Kong. By purchasing from our store, you are not only getting genuine and high-quality products but also supporting a small business that is established and registered in New York. We are grateful for your support in our endeavor to bring unique, thoughtfully designed items to customers while contributing to the growth of a local business. Your patronage makes a meaningful difference, and we thank you for being a part of our journey.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express), PayPal, Amazon Pay and other secure online payment methods
Is my payment secured?
SSL Secure Checkout : We use SSL technology to make sure you could shop safely and with peace of mind.
Do you offer international shipping?
Yes, we offer international shipping to many countries. However, please note that as our products are manufactured in the USA, Canada, and Hong Kong, delivery from our international factories can take up to 30 days.
How long does it take to receive my order?
The total time to receive your order includes both processing and shipping time. As our products are made to order, please allow 5-7 business days for processing, in addition to the estimated shipping time depending on your location.
Please note that as our products are manufactured in the USA, Canada, and Hong Kong, delivery from our international factories can take up to 30 days.
During holidays rush, processing and delivery times may be longer.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions and pre-cautions some countries may experience shipping delays due to cargo flight limitations, therefore shipping time may be up to 35 business days. 
What is your return policy?
We accept returns for certain items, Please refer to our refund policy  page for detailed instructions. Kindly contact our customer service before sending a parcel back. 
Can I track my order?
Yes, once your order is shipped, we will provide you with a tracking number. You can use this tracking number to monitor the progress of your shipment on our website here or the courier's tracking portal.
What if the item I received is damaged or defective?
If you receive a damaged or defective item, please contact our customer support team via email within 48 hours of receiving the product. We will assist you in resolving the issue and arranging a replacement or refund.

Can I get assistance in choosing the right product for my needs?
Absolutely! Our customer support team is here to assist you in finding the perfect product for your requirements. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns at or chat with us during business hours and we'll be glad to help.

Do you offer any discounts or promotions?
Yes, we frequently offer discounts, promotions, and special deals. Stay updated by subscribing to our newsletter or following us on social media to receive notifications about our latest offers.

Can I cancel or modify my order after it has been placed?
We strive to process orders quickly. You can change or cancel your order within one hour of ordering. If you need to cancel or modify your order, please contact us as soon as possible. It may be possible if the order has not entered the processing phase.

How can I contact your customer support?
Please contact us by email:
Call/Text: (917) 455-5322

Do you have a physical store where I can see the products?
Currently, we operate solely as an online store. However, we provide detailed product descriptions, high-quality images, and customer reviews to help you make an informed decision before making a purchase.

Do you offer gift wrapping or personalized messages?
Currently, we do not offer gift wrapping services or personalized messages. However, we are constantly expanding our services.
Can I request customization or personalization for my order?
Certainly! We understand that personalization adds a special touch to your order. We are pleased to offer customization and personalization options for certain products. During the ordering process, you may have the opportunity to provide specific instructions or select customization choices such as engraving, monogramming, or choosing a preferred color or design variation. Please refer to the product description or customization options available on our website for more details. If you have any specific requests or inquiries regarding customization, feel free to contact our customer support team, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. Please note that certain customizations may be subject to additional charges or may require extra processing time. We strive to make your order unique and tailored to your preferences, ensuring a delightful and personalized shopping experience.